Oswald Chambers Legacy

Welcome to our site, we hope you enjoy it. 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the death of Oswald Chambers who died on 15th November 1917. Watch out for special publications and events.

From the earliest days of the publication of the teachings and writings of Oswald Chambers, following World War I, Mrs. Chambers was advised and assisted by a small group of personal friends. In later years this group became known as the Oswald Chambers Publications Association, which was incorporated in 1942, and exists today as a Registered British Charity. It oversees the publication and distribution of Oswald Chambers’ material around the world. Its aim is to make available the best-selling daily devotional book My Utmost for His Highest and Chambers’ other books to as wide a readership as possible. My Utmost is currently available in over forty languages.

The Association continues Chambers’ legacy by assisting publishers in developing countries and providing support for other Christian literature organisations.

All publishing is carried out through Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, including foreign rights. To view the languages in which My Utmost is available, see translations.